Friday, October 7, 2011

Sarah Palin out of race

Palin had shown little sign of joining the race to challenge Democratic President Barack Obama but made it official in a letter on Wednesday to supporters and in an interview with conservative talk radio host Mark Levin.
Sarah Palin, to me, shocked America by attempting to become president of the United States and even making it as far as she did. But really what blew all of us away was being vice-presiden McCains tial  nominee. Now Palin outside of this 2008 race has made a name for herself as the governor of Alaska and even have her own show. And of this to me is just complete dumb crap. And she did all of this for what. It To me it had no meaning.

So right now why do you think Sarah didn't want to try this year. Well according to the article Palin says her  family comes before everything else. And that there was no need to become a third-party candidate because it would make Obama's re-election easier. Also Palin believes that she will have more of an impact  by taking public officials turning them into our nations governors and then into a president. . Which is completely dumb (and that is putting it in a polite way). 

Now in the end do people actually believe this stuff? Do people actually think she is a family person? I mean he daughter got pregnant at either 16 or 17. Also Bachmann states "is a true patriot," what? She is the furthest away from a patriot you can be. She does not know politics and almost everyone knows it. So remember if you take the "l" out of Palin what do you get "pain," which explains her exactly.

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