Friday, October 21, 2011

Obama is taking out the troops

all 39,000 US troops still stationed in Iraq will be withdrawn by the end of the year
Finally it is almost over 9 years is now close to a end. Before the end of this Christmas all 39,000 troops will be out of that hell-hole of a country. The reason the push for our troops to be out of Iraq is coming so quickly is because in the 2008 agreement troops must be out of Iraq by 2012. But what is being said now is that a few troops will be left there to help train Iraq forces. Other things have been said that 4,400 troops have died since the 2003 invasion and troops are leave with the heads held high with them knowing that one of the most dangerous man alive is now dead.

So to me what this means is finally the war over nothing, but random ass bullshit and lies is now over and the fact that we still have many many more years in Afghanistan though. So now a big question like what I just mentioned is how long will it last how long do we still have to be in another hell-hole of what people believe is a country. Well that is a question up to Obama himself. Now what he will chose is defiantly a mystery. But we still can have our hopes and dreams of America once again being one of the best countries out there and not just by our army, but by also our government and education.

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