Tuesday, October 11, 2011

As If Today Were Your Last

Well Steve Jobs was truly a visionary, but in this speech we read I do not agree with what he states because the quote states an impression was made on him yet he did the exact same thing everyday for 33 years. 33 Years!!! But then suddenly out of nowhere he understood it. How? What else I do not agree with is what he thinks happens to each and every person when they die. He does not know, nor does anyone. So how how can he say that the only thing that you will be leaving here are the things that were truly important to you, but you will still have or still remember everything else including failures, pride, and embarrassment. Now to me what I hope to have when I die is to remember every great thing that happened to me, everything that brought me joy, and everything that made me laugh. Now could that happen maybe and maybe not, who knows. The last thing I do not agree with is how he says "dying is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose is by dying." Now why would he think this? Why would he believe this? I do not know. But to me dying is the the one way to truly live your life the way you want it.

So to change the way I look at this is to think of what would happen if I were to start following this tomorrow, to wake up tomorrow morning and believe every single word of this. Well that is actually really hard to do because I do not imagine myself doing that. But what I can think of right of the top of my head is I could realize things that I never would have thought of like what I want to major in for college, or where I want to live when I grow up, or even what life means to me. The list can go on forever. Now I could also learn about situations I have been in and did not know what to do to get out of them. And maybe just maybe I could know what to do and could get out of the situations without trouble or without a big hassle. Really again who knows.

Now would I also give advice about this way of living, NO! First off I do not believe in this and second I would not know how to explain it. I mean I would not show them the speech that Steve Jobs said because it is really hard to understand and he thoughts are so out there no one would believe it. Like no one I know of in my class believes this and who would blame them. Everyone loves Steve Jobs for what he did to chage music and personal computers, but this speech is not his best work.

So in the end this is not a thing I would follow mainly because there are just to many questions without an answer. And to follow this I would have to change the way I live.

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