Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Response to Christian's Post

So we signed Carson Palmer. Who was the obvious choice because he was the best quarterback who wasn't playing at the time.
I do not know what in the world you are talking about dude, Palmer is going to do horrible and I mean horrible. Yes, he put up some ok numbers with the Bengals, but look what happened he still went nowhere. Also how he had such big numbers was because the Bengals had such a horrible run game. But hey someone had to pick him up since the all so mighty Carson Palmer was to mad to play because his team could not win him a game. Well dude get over it. Your not that amazing.

So also why would they pick up this guy the Raiders have way to many quarterbacks, like way to many. I was hearing it was like 7 quarterbacks. 4 are only quarterbacks and 3 can play it, but no they are going to give up 1st and 2nd round draft picks for this piece of crap. But that is what happens when you have a really dumb manager. So the last thing I have to say about this is why do you get a rookie quarterback to play in case Campbell can not and not even play him, why? And just because he has no game experience well yeah of course he does not he has never played a game what do you expect. So from my point of view just try out some quarterbacks and see what works.

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