Friday, October 7, 2011

Response to Sulaiman's post

swag is defined solely by your confidence and creativity
Well dude your post really just stuck out to me because this is true. I mean where did "swag' come from? What does it mean? And to each you have your answer. You have your own style and you have your own personality. Now you can just follow the styles on tv and be a follower or do you want your own style and be yourself. So another thing why do certain people only decide what is good and what is bad. Just because they can see what looks good in their eyes will look good in everyones eyes. No way, everybody has their own style that looks good to them. And in reality that is what is right, but in the end we are judged.

The other thing I really like about this post is you say that you should just feel comfortable in your colthes and that is right. Why should you chose something that itches you are makes you get a rash, when your can just chose something that feels good. So if you combine these things you start to become so focused on this you forget about everything else. You spend all you time and money of a piece of fabric that wear for a few hours just to look good. And in the end which do you want to have no money and life to look good or to have more money and more of a life and look like a regular person. It is your choice.

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