Friday, October 21, 2011

Response to Ben's Post

As hard as it is, i will continue to get up every morning and ask myself, "Why"?
Well, Ben I got to agree with you on this. Why do we work our butts off everyday? Why do we push our bodies to the bone day after day? Why do we love something so much we will do anything to get better? Well these questions do not have one answer, each depends on the person. So for me this is a question I ask everyday after school.

Well the first question is actually easy to ask for me, why I work my butt of is because I want to get better, I want to be better than everyone else, and I keep my standards so high why would I take anything less. The second answer is pretty close to the first, but goes a little more in depth and hurts our bodies even more. So why do we work so hard it feels like parts of our body are jello or about to fall off our body. Why do we do it day after day after day. And this is put in on short answer first we love the sport. The last answer I have is to the question of why why do we love something so much we will do anything to get better. Well this is a little harder to answer because why we work so hard like Ben said is we love the sport and we want to get better well if that is the common answer everyone says what else is there to say. Well what I can think of right of the bat is we want a future in this sport, we want to play this sport for as long as our body will let us, and we want to keep playing after that.

So Ben you got a big question on your had, but an easy answer

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