Friday, October 14, 2011

Response to Nick's Post

one of the biggest enemies for a student, is homework
Well, Nick I got to agree with you on this and so does every other kid in school. So every kid hates homework and I mean everyone even the smart ones and who could blame them. It is a pain to give up even more time of your day to something you already do not like. So why should we? Well is it to torture us like how we always thought or is it to wait hold it actually help us. Well what do you think? Ask yourself.

Now are all teachers have a different way of how they assign homework and that is just the way it is. Some give very little and others just love to give it. And there is not a single thing we can do about it, so we might as well stop complaining straight to our teachers and just get over it. The last interesting part of homework which Nick mentions in his post is how teachers expect all students to understand what you just learned. So it is said all students learn at a difference pace yet we have to learn at a pace the teachers decided. And what happens if you do not get it, well lets just say it would not turn out so well.

So in the end we hate it, but just get it done. It is not that hard yet everyone says it is, but if you really try and just put in an extra 30 min look at that you have a better grade and what do you know it is gone.

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    Whaddya think?
