Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Oakland

It's by being there, learning how democracy actually looks by doing it, instead of having it "done for you," that the magic works.
This is not my normal current events post from info I found on Al Jazzera, but this was something very important to me. Why this was so important is because my dad has been out of work for over a year. Now this has been the longest time he has ever had this problem and I am not saying he does not do much looking because he does a lot, I mean a lot. At one time he was on the computer for maybe 8 hours at a time while I was at home. And of course he is trying to make it seem like it is not that bad, but I know it is and now it is really worrying me. Also I can't really do anything and that is a huge problem.

But onto what I think of this event. This is actually a very very important thing to happen here in the bay area and I want to be apart of it. I hope to be able to go out next friday and maybe give my thoughts on how our government is killing itself from the inside out. And the thoughts I hope to give are how people know that the government has cheated America yet nobody does a single little fucking thing about it. WHY? Well because every person that can do something about it does not care because they are making, guess what MONEY! And everyone knows it. Why also I care even more about this is from the  movie we watched in class "Capitalism, A True Love Story" by Michael Moore. Right off the bat I was interested and I wanted to keep watching because this is something that matters and this is something that is happening to us. But no we had to have short periods for out fucking pep rally. Something that does not matter at all. Well I will have another response about Occupy Oakland if I am able to go.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of families are hurting right now, as you well know. I am sorry to hear about your dad's situation...but also proud of you for sharing it here with us--folks may not realize just how deeply this economic crisis is affecting people and how wide-spread the problems have become.

    I've been spending more time at O.O. and I'm finding it to be the best of times and the worst of times...A fascinating experiment in direct democracy, for sure, but lots of stuff is coming out of the woodwork that is very tricky for the local movement to deal with. You'll see what I'm talking about if you go check it out.

    The good news is that the movement is apparently spreading to Alameda...there was an "Occupy Alameda" event yesterday in front of City Hall but I don't know if it's continuing or what...anyway it may be easier to check it out and get involved. I certainly hope you do. We got a lot of work to do to dig our society and culture (not to mention our political system) out of the hole!
