Friday, October 14, 2011

Assassins Creed Revelation

Well, not to much to say about this game outside the fact it is one of the best selling franchises out there. Now I have not played the series that much mainly because I never really got into it. The games were just a little boring and I could not stay focused, but hey that is just me. Now if you have played the series since it came out I know your getting this game. But for the people that have not I recommend playing past games, mainly because you will understand the series better.

But now into the gameplay. Most of the gameplay will be the same except they are now including a hookblade to speed up navigation by 30% and to also take out enemies. They are also changing the weapon schema a little by making most first and secondary weapons to your disposal. Last there will also be 300 different bombs able to be made. The game will also be bringing back multiplayer from Brotherhood, but also building it up a little by making your customization better on your character and now including a coat of arms. The last part in multiplayer is new game modes will be added, including storymode quests and capture the flag.

So in the end like I said I wont be buying this game, but I do encourage new players to buy after they know the story a little better. Like this is a type of series that keeps a ongoing storyline just like Metal Gear Solid and God of War. But sorry if there was not enough info given here the game does not have a lot of differences in it and I did not think I had to explain the game it self.

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