Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Response to Christian's Post

So we signed Carson Palmer. Who was the obvious choice because he was the best quarterback who wasn't playing at the time.
I do not know what in the world you are talking about dude, Palmer is going to do horrible and I mean horrible. Yes, he put up some ok numbers with the Bengals, but look what happened he still went nowhere. Also how he had such big numbers was because the Bengals had such a horrible run game. But hey someone had to pick him up since the all so mighty Carson Palmer was to mad to play because his team could not win him a game. Well dude get over it. Your not that amazing.

So also why would they pick up this guy the Raiders have way to many quarterbacks, like way to many. I was hearing it was like 7 quarterbacks. 4 are only quarterbacks and 3 can play it, but no they are going to give up 1st and 2nd round draft picks for this piece of crap. But that is what happens when you have a really dumb manager. So the last thing I have to say about this is why do you get a rookie quarterback to play in case Campbell can not and not even play him, why? And just because he has no game experience well yeah of course he does not he has never played a game what do you expect. So from my point of view just try out some quarterbacks and see what works.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Obama is taking out the troops

all 39,000 US troops still stationed in Iraq will be withdrawn by the end of the year
Finally it is almost over 9 years is now close to a end. Before the end of this Christmas all 39,000 troops will be out of that hell-hole of a country. The reason the push for our troops to be out of Iraq is coming so quickly is because in the 2008 agreement troops must be out of Iraq by 2012. But what is being said now is that a few troops will be left there to help train Iraq forces. Other things have been said that 4,400 troops have died since the 2003 invasion and troops are leave with the heads held high with them knowing that one of the most dangerous man alive is now dead.

So to me what this means is finally the war over nothing, but random ass bullshit and lies is now over and the fact that we still have many many more years in Afghanistan though. So now a big question like what I just mentioned is how long will it last how long do we still have to be in another hell-hole of what people believe is a country. Well that is a question up to Obama himself. Now what he will chose is defiantly a mystery. But we still can have our hopes and dreams of America once again being one of the best countries out there and not just by our army, but by also our government and education.

Response to Ben's Post

As hard as it is, i will continue to get up every morning and ask myself, "Why"?
Well, Ben I got to agree with you on this. Why do we work our butts off everyday? Why do we push our bodies to the bone day after day? Why do we love something so much we will do anything to get better? Well these questions do not have one answer, each depends on the person. So for me this is a question I ask everyday after school.

Well the first question is actually easy to ask for me, why I work my butt of is because I want to get better, I want to be better than everyone else, and I keep my standards so high why would I take anything less. The second answer is pretty close to the first, but goes a little more in depth and hurts our bodies even more. So why do we work so hard it feels like parts of our body are jello or about to fall off our body. Why do we do it day after day after day. And this is put in on short answer first we love the sport. The last answer I have is to the question of why why do we love something so much we will do anything to get better. Well this is a little harder to answer because why we work so hard like Ben said is we love the sport and we want to get better well if that is the common answer everyone says what else is there to say. Well what I can think of right of the bat is we want a future in this sport, we want to play this sport for as long as our body will let us, and we want to keep playing after that.

So Ben you got a big question on your had, but an easy answer

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ghost Recon Future Soldier

Well, the Ghost Recon series has had its good and bad moments, but mostly the bad. But do not let that take away from the fact it is still a very good series. The original game was a step forward for stealth game and it has become of of the greatest stealth games ever made, also just being based on a book released by Tom Clancy. The series from there sadly went some what down hill, the games were not as amazing, but still had very good story modes.

Some of the latest games such as Advanced Warfight 1 and 2 were not the best work. Mainly because it went from a team to a single person, which is the worst thing in the world, but for the series it was it was no good. Both of the games themselves were not half bad, but as I have read most fans critized the games for straying to far from the original stealth action. The latest games have now just ruined, but also kept its name out there. Ghost Recon Predator released on the PSP was actually a very good game and was one I really enjoyed. It had good graphics for the PSP and a good gameplay. From were It was just a few years before it took a good step forward. But sadly the last release in the series was straight horrible, I mean horrible. Ghost Recon Shadow Wars for the 3DS just was one of the worst games ever made to me. I bought the game because I knew the series, I wanted a game to play, and I did not have anyother games for my 3DS. But main I just should have just let it go.

But onto Future Solider. So sadly very little has been released on the game, even if the title was released in January 22, 2009. But hey who cares I already know I am getting the game. So far what has been released was a trailer showing both stealth mode and shootouts. The main factor of this game is the fact you can turn invisible using opitical camo. This is used almost like the camo in Metal Gear Solid 4. The game will also be on the kinect, I do not recomend it. So in the end I do recomend this game to anyone who loves shooters. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Response to Nick's Post

one of the biggest enemies for a student, is homework
Well, Nick I got to agree with you on this and so does every other kid in school. So every kid hates homework and I mean everyone even the smart ones and who could blame them. It is a pain to give up even more time of your day to something you already do not like. So why should we? Well is it to torture us like how we always thought or is it to wait hold it actually help us. Well what do you think? Ask yourself.

Now are all teachers have a different way of how they assign homework and that is just the way it is. Some give very little and others just love to give it. And there is not a single thing we can do about it, so we might as well stop complaining straight to our teachers and just get over it. The last interesting part of homework which Nick mentions in his post is how teachers expect all students to understand what you just learned. So it is said all students learn at a difference pace yet we have to learn at a pace the teachers decided. And what happens if you do not get it, well lets just say it would not turn out so well.

So in the end we hate it, but just get it done. It is not that hard yet everyone says it is, but if you really try and just put in an extra 30 min look at that you have a better grade and what do you know it is gone.

Occupy Oakland

It's by being there, learning how democracy actually looks by doing it, instead of having it "done for you," that the magic works.
This is not my normal current events post from info I found on Al Jazzera, but this was something very important to me. Why this was so important is because my dad has been out of work for over a year. Now this has been the longest time he has ever had this problem and I am not saying he does not do much looking because he does a lot, I mean a lot. At one time he was on the computer for maybe 8 hours at a time while I was at home. And of course he is trying to make it seem like it is not that bad, but I know it is and now it is really worrying me. Also I can't really do anything and that is a huge problem.

But onto what I think of this event. This is actually a very very important thing to happen here in the bay area and I want to be apart of it. I hope to be able to go out next friday and maybe give my thoughts on how our government is killing itself from the inside out. And the thoughts I hope to give are how people know that the government has cheated America yet nobody does a single little fucking thing about it. WHY? Well because every person that can do something about it does not care because they are making, guess what MONEY! And everyone knows it. Why also I care even more about this is from the  movie we watched in class "Capitalism, A True Love Story" by Michael Moore. Right off the bat I was interested and I wanted to keep watching because this is something that matters and this is something that is happening to us. But no we had to have short periods for out fucking pep rally. Something that does not matter at all. Well I will have another response about Occupy Oakland if I am able to go.

Assassins Creed Revelation

Well, not to much to say about this game outside the fact it is one of the best selling franchises out there. Now I have not played the series that much mainly because I never really got into it. The games were just a little boring and I could not stay focused, but hey that is just me. Now if you have played the series since it came out I know your getting this game. But for the people that have not I recommend playing past games, mainly because you will understand the series better.

But now into the gameplay. Most of the gameplay will be the same except they are now including a hookblade to speed up navigation by 30% and to also take out enemies. They are also changing the weapon schema a little by making most first and secondary weapons to your disposal. Last there will also be 300 different bombs able to be made. The game will also be bringing back multiplayer from Brotherhood, but also building it up a little by making your customization better on your character and now including a coat of arms. The last part in multiplayer is new game modes will be added, including storymode quests and capture the flag.

So in the end like I said I wont be buying this game, but I do encourage new players to buy after they know the story a little better. Like this is a type of series that keeps a ongoing storyline just like Metal Gear Solid and God of War. But sorry if there was not enough info given here the game does not have a lot of differences in it and I did not think I had to explain the game it self.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

As If Today Were Your Last

Well Steve Jobs was truly a visionary, but in this speech we read I do not agree with what he states because the quote states an impression was made on him yet he did the exact same thing everyday for 33 years. 33 Years!!! But then suddenly out of nowhere he understood it. How? What else I do not agree with is what he thinks happens to each and every person when they die. He does not know, nor does anyone. So how how can he say that the only thing that you will be leaving here are the things that were truly important to you, but you will still have or still remember everything else including failures, pride, and embarrassment. Now to me what I hope to have when I die is to remember every great thing that happened to me, everything that brought me joy, and everything that made me laugh. Now could that happen maybe and maybe not, who knows. The last thing I do not agree with is how he says "dying is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose is by dying." Now why would he think this? Why would he believe this? I do not know. But to me dying is the the one way to truly live your life the way you want it.

So to change the way I look at this is to think of what would happen if I were to start following this tomorrow, to wake up tomorrow morning and believe every single word of this. Well that is actually really hard to do because I do not imagine myself doing that. But what I can think of right of the top of my head is I could realize things that I never would have thought of like what I want to major in for college, or where I want to live when I grow up, or even what life means to me. The list can go on forever. Now I could also learn about situations I have been in and did not know what to do to get out of them. And maybe just maybe I could know what to do and could get out of the situations without trouble or without a big hassle. Really again who knows.

Now would I also give advice about this way of living, NO! First off I do not believe in this and second I would not know how to explain it. I mean I would not show them the speech that Steve Jobs said because it is really hard to understand and he thoughts are so out there no one would believe it. Like no one I know of in my class believes this and who would blame them. Everyone loves Steve Jobs for what he did to chage music and personal computers, but this speech is not his best work.

So in the end this is not a thing I would follow mainly because there are just to many questions without an answer. And to follow this I would have to change the way I live.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Response to Sulaiman's post

swag is defined solely by your confidence and creativity
Well dude your post really just stuck out to me because this is true. I mean where did "swag' come from? What does it mean? And to each you have your answer. You have your own style and you have your own personality. Now you can just follow the styles on tv and be a follower or do you want your own style and be yourself. So another thing why do certain people only decide what is good and what is bad. Just because they can see what looks good in their eyes will look good in everyones eyes. No way, everybody has their own style that looks good to them. And in reality that is what is right, but in the end we are judged.

The other thing I really like about this post is you say that you should just feel comfortable in your colthes and that is right. Why should you chose something that itches you are makes you get a rash, when your can just chose something that feels good. So if you combine these things you start to become so focused on this you forget about everything else. You spend all you time and money of a piece of fabric that wear for a few hours just to look good. And in the end which do you want to have no money and life to look good or to have more money and more of a life and look like a regular person. It is your choice.

Sarah Palin out of race

Palin had shown little sign of joining the race to challenge Democratic President Barack Obama but made it official in a letter on Wednesday to supporters and in an interview with conservative talk radio host Mark Levin.
Sarah Palin, to me, shocked America by attempting to become president of the United States and even making it as far as she did. But really what blew all of us away was being vice-presiden McCains tial  nominee. Now Palin outside of this 2008 race has made a name for herself as the governor of Alaska and even have her own show. And of this to me is just complete dumb crap. And she did all of this for what. It To me it had no meaning.

So right now why do you think Sarah didn't want to try this year. Well according to the article Palin says her  family comes before everything else. And that there was no need to become a third-party candidate because it would make Obama's re-election easier. Also Palin believes that she will have more of an impact  by taking public officials turning them into our nations governors and then into a president. . Which is completely dumb (and that is putting it in a polite way). 

Now in the end do people actually believe this stuff? Do people actually think she is a family person? I mean he daughter got pregnant at either 16 or 17. Also Bachmann states "is a true patriot," what? She is the furthest away from a patriot you can be. She does not know politics and almost everyone knows it. So remember if you take the "l" out of Palin what do you get "pain," which explains her exactly.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Well, a new Ace Combat has not come out in a while. And I think most people did not mind, mainly because the sereies a little underated. Which I do not agree with, I have Ace Combat 2 and Ace Combate Skies of Deception, each is amazing. And with the new one coming out this Oct. 11, I am buying it forsure.

But now onto the gameplay, locations that have been confirmed are Miami, Washington D.C., Paris, East Africa, Middle East, Dubai, and Moscow, Tokyo and Hawaii are the downloadable content being released sometime after the real game. There have also a downloadable content with gameplay over the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, but no confirmation has been released yet (only a trailer shows an A-10 Thunderbolt flying through). The gameplay being used is CRA (close-range assault), which aims to increase intensity of the game to bring the player closer to the action. There is also DFM (dogfight mode) and ASM (air strike mode), which is optional. Visions I am excited about are the ones where you are the gunners of helicopters and AC-130's, adding this goes away from the original games, but adds something that has never been done to gaming ever. This game is also using 2 different control schemes, the original and optimum. The original is similar to expert mode in older titles, giving players full control of their plane. It also gives the player the option of using roles by using the left analog stick. While Optimum is more of the default mode/beginner mode giving more stability, which will come in most useful during CRA. There will also be auto pilot, but it is not recommended. At this time 5 squadrons are known, each is part of the 108th Task Force:
  • Warwolf Flight: An Air Force flight that is the player character's main squadron. They fly F-35B Lightning IIs, F-22 Raptors, F-15E Strike Eagles, F-16 Fighting Falcons, F/A-18 Hornets, F-14 Tomcats, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and F-117 Nighthawks.
  • Razor Flight: An Air Force flight that flies B-2 Spirits and B-1B Lancers. It is depicted performing a bomb run over AA fire.
  • Nomad Squadron: Addressed at the beginning of the debut trailer in the desert. It consists of the group of MH-60 Black Hawks depicted in the same scene, and is a part of the US Army.
  • Shooter Squadron: Another squadron of the US Army, the Shooter squadron flies AH-64D Apache Longbows.
  • Tiger Squadron: Heard on the radio several times during the first mission. Aircraft unknown. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_Combat:_Assault_Horizon "this is the link to wiki where I got the information for the squadrons, show for copyright purposes"
At this time also 9 characters have been confirmed for the 108th Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel William Bishop, is the players character. He is the leader of the Warwolf fight.

If there is any other information you have please comment, thank