Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Does It Mean To Be "Human"

Power, how has power been used so far? How have all civilizations let one person have to much power? How has America not realized power kills a civilization? Well, these questions and more can not be answered in one simple sentence or even in a essay by one person. It all depends on what the writer or reader believes because there is no right answer like in math. But ones I see more often then others are on economics, power, greed, diversity, and some others. Now to me power sums up all humanity.

America now and somewhat into the past are very easy examples. Now America, how come America, well first off in the current market we live in all of us know the problems we have and it can be explained pretty easily. Also with the government  being who they are you can see most of them do not care about making America better even though they say they do. But some how we still fall for it year after year after year, what they truly care about is power and money. Which brings me to my first point, how everyone has such a lust for both. And I mean everyone, but some of us know we will not be able to have either, while others are born with both or close enough to get both. I mean just look at who our past presidents were Bush, Clinton, Bush, Nixon, and the list goes on. Clinton I know in college met his wife and they had a plan that Bill Clinton would become president and then have Hillary Clinton run the next year and have her become president. Next is how money is killing us because with every person wanting a get rich scam so many people are losing money and the government  is getting all of it. I mean 1% of America's population controls 70% of our wealth and the number keeps growing. And it seems like no one notices it and if they do they can't do anything about it.

Now past civilizations, each civilization had there rise and fall and some falls were so horrible the civilization fell completely to the ground. Such as Rome, Mesopotamia, Greek, Aztecs, Incas, Mayan, and many other civilizations that thrived and some how died down by the same problems we are experiencing now. And most likely outside the government everyone realizes it. To me this is the second depression we are going through. Now how is America following the same pattern of past civilizations? Well, what we are doing is giving to much power to one person and that person is using the power for nothing, but their own personal gain. I mean just look at Dick Chany or George Bush. Other things we are following are not letting the regular people completely choose who we want to run our government. A easy example of this was during the first Bush election were Bush's brother rigged the vote in Florida. The last thing I notice is everyone wants to be rich and powerful it is a proven fact, but a big difference you see is many people know they will never reach that. Maybe because they never were born with a lot of money or they didn't find a job that gave them the amount of money that was needed. While we have the government officials that were born into very wealthy families (at least most of them were).

To me a easy question to ask is why does everyone want to get rich, but get rich without working hard. Well it is kinda easy to answer everyone knows that life takes a lot of work and to a lot people that is scary and who can blame them. But also many people realize to reach the goal of being high class you must work and work and work your butt off. Now more on the people that do not work hard, so say some how one of these people some how won the lottery well this person would become even more lazy and would still want more money to become even more powerful. Now this is a reason that these people never get this money because they can not handle it, like a lot of us can not either. Yet everyone still does not care they want to have the biggest house, the best car, and the best stuff.

The last question I have is how come people with money can bend the rules and change laws. Well because they have power and no body cares. Like with the law on taxes, so to everyone that works for a living we have to pay more money to people who already have money, uh what. And for the people who have all the money in the world they pay less and less, why? Why does our government do that? Well to them it makes sense because they want more and they can't take it from other rich people so they decided to take it from lower class people. And this is what power will do to you, you do not care about other people you just care about the money. So I'm going to as you why you think America chose to be this way. Well why? How could no one realize that America is driving it self into the ground. That America will one day become like the other civilizations that disappeared because power and greed took over. That America one day will not be the strongest and the government will then put all the money we have left into the army (as if we had any left) and the big problem with that is where are they going to get the money? How are they going to get the money? Well they won't plain and simple.   

In the end we can all say the government are making the problems we currently have, well that is true only to some extent. What many people do not think about is we brought these people into office. We let them ruin America financially with their attempts to gain more money and power. So this is where everyone must remember the saying "with great power comes great responsibility."

1 comment:

  1. So TJ, this essay starts off with a good thesis...that it's the lust for power that makes humans who we are. I can see that perspective for sure. But pretty quickly your examples and explanations start going off the rails. You are clearly passionate about your political beliefs and also you display impressive historical knowledge. But remember the question: what does it mean to be human? And now look at your last has wandered off to another realm! Careful about that. It can be easy sometimes to let our passions take us away from the task at hand when we write. Again, there's a lot strong about this and frankly I share many of your opinions so I was reading along going, "Yeah brother! Testify!" topic!
