Tuesday, September 6, 2011

About Me

           Hi, my name is Thomas Johnson or also know as TJ and I am currently living here in the bay area going to good old Alameda High School. Probably the first thing any person should know about me is that I am very athletic, I play baseball year round on both a travel ball team and my high school JV team. Also  I love to run, of course not as much as baseball, but still very much. What is interesting about that is I have been to countless times to go out for cross country, but I don't have the time. So before coming into this school year I had played baseball all summer long for the HF gamers. Over the summer I mostly pitched, and off all the innings and games i pitched two were complete games. One being a loss and the other being a win. In the loss I went all the way into the 8th inning giving up 3 runs, we lost in the 9th 4-3 though. In the second one I went 7 innings giving up 1 run and getting the win with a 3-1 score. After the summer ended I had to find a new team because of problems with the other. The problems were I had been told for about a year by the owner I threw to slow to pitch any further in baseball, even though i had become one of the most consistent pitchers on the team. But once I started to hit the speed I needed I then began to get told my curve ball is to slow for my size. To the owner I had to be at least 6-5 and throwing 95 to throw this pitch, which was completely dumb because it is not necessary. I mean look at Tim Lincecum he throws the same pitch and he is 5-10. So the team I found was called the TI Pirates. Coming on to the team I knew they did not mind that I didn't throw as hard as everyone else, they said they could work on that. And so far it has been great I have thrown 9 innings in 5 games giving up 0 runs, 2 strikeouts 2 walks, 6 hits, and one hit batter. Hitting I have gone 4 for 8 with 4 singles, 4 rbis, 3 runs, and one strikeout, On the bases I have 6 stolen bases. And fielding I have played 12 innings in right making 0 errors so far.
          Now in school, so far it has been very easy and smooth because i have great teachers. Also this is the first year in a long time I'm interested in English. I think mostly because I have had some bad teachers, especially in 7th grade with my core teacher. This teacher would do such mean things to students she actually made 5 different girls cry over the year. What she did to me was she would tell me nothing is wrong with my essay and then tear it apart, like there was no tomorrow. But that is old news, now we just got the future to look forward to.
          So onto my writing goals for this year, I don't have many, I still have a few. The one most important to me is I really need more help in keeping readers interested in my writing and also myself. The one other thing I have is help analyzing quotes especially in Shakespeare. Now will I learn all these things I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. You're really passionate about baseball, lol.
    Are you an ambitious person? You also seem to be pretty confident with your writing, keep it up!
