Friday, September 9, 2011

Response to Ben's Post

it is very humbling and lets us know where we stand as of now, and what we have to do in order to be back on top by the end of the season.
Ben, I know what your talking about dude it is tough losing and especially to a team you should be beating, but remember dude it happens to the best of us and we can not control it in any way.  To me this is something that is the hardest part of the sport, but all of us go through it. It is good though that you know not every season starts off perfect and actually if you might have won that game you could have thought you guys do not need any work of what ever you guys would think. Like with us on baseball last year we started off 9 and 0 and probably by about the 8th win we all started getting pretty cocky and because of that  probably started losing focus at practice and only went threw the motions without think if were doing everything right. So in the end we lost our focus before a game and it kicked us in the butts we started off bad and that put us down and we did act the way we should have till the last 3 out of the game getting our winning run to the plate, but still losing.

The only thing is just because you have been the A.C.C.A.L Champions does not mean you need to start off amazing because you can not always do amazing.

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