Friday, September 16, 2011

US citizens impresioned for being accused spies

Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were arrested in July 2009 near Iran's border with Iraq, where they say they were hiking in the mountains. They were sentenced last month to eight years in prison on spying charges.
Back in 2009 hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were hiking on the boarder of Iraq and Iran when they were arrested for charges of spying. According to Obama at the time when they working in the middle east they had no information of US intelligence. Right now according to NBC the men will be released in two days, but now according to their lawyer it will not be till the bail is paid, bail which is $500,000 each. Also at the time when they were captured there was a third man, Sarah Shourd, with them, but he was released September of 2010 for reasons unknown. So according to the hikers themselves they crossed the unmarked boarder by mistake and were then taken into custody. Bauer and Fattal, who share a cell in Tehran's Evin prison, were convicted at a trial held behind closed doors in August.

To me this is very important mainly because these are innocent people that have been convicted of a false crime and to our government it does not seem matter. The reason why it does not is because if the government cared more these men would have been out of jail a long time ago. But no, the money that could have been used to get these men out of jail went to war. So America should ask it self why does money only be used for our army, yes we have the strongest in the world, but why would it matter if there are no one to serve in the army.

1 comment:

  1. I left a response to this here:
