Friday, September 16, 2011

Response to Keelan's Post

Last week I was writing about how my football practice was going hard and bad; this week was no exception.
Keenlan, I know that feeling dude, it is tough to keep play when your body wont let you and you know that you have to keep going. But hey it will only last for a couple of days then your be fine, but also in the mean time take it easy and do not push it to much. Also reason why i know this feeling is because I am have back problems right now to and it does not help doing something with major pain.

Also since you had a good game I think that is already something to keep you going knowing that all this work and effort will pay off in the main run. And you should have never been to worried going to practice thinking that something bad is going to happen if you tell your coach that you might not be able to go 100%. Not telling him is actually worse mainly because you could injure yourself so badly you wont play for half or even the entire season, there is no way to tell. But hey when you finally did tell your coach and he understood that probably took a load off your mind and relaxed your body knowing you would not be penalized for something you can not control. One thing that would be interesting to know is how did you feel sitting there watching other people play knowing that you were not being apart of the action going on on the field.

Best of luck getting better.

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