Friday, September 9, 2011

Stock Downfall

US stocks tumbled more than two per cent after the top German official at the European Central Bank stepped down.
Well, this stuck out to me because first this is the country you live in and also I know that most countries economy are ran by americas and with americas dropping day by day so is every other countries. Also this is interesting because I also know america is having many problems with just everything and now to even hear that our economy dropping lower and lower it brings a sad feeling to you knowing this is where you live. 

What they show in the article is the big declines in huge companies such as Mcdonalds dropping 4.1 percent in sales in Japan and also drops in build of new products in the US. Another big drop is in Bank of America with 40,000 jobs being lost. Other drops are 1.5 billion dollars in oversea profits due to Obama not addressing proposals in his last speech. Another interesting drop is with ECB now buying bonds to stop borrowing money from euro zone members. Also meeting of financial chiefs of 7 wealthy nations was held in France in response to the euro zone debt crisis threatening the world economy. There is also drops in stocks in Xerox falling 5.5 percent. Last the Nasdaq Composite Index fell 61.15 points or 2.42 per cent.

All in all, the falling of the economy is just not affecting us it is affecting almost everyone around the world.

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